Saturday, July 17, 2010

Superficiality Snob

I'm losing my patience for small talk. Not that I ever had much. I don't want to hear about how much you saved on your car purchase. I'm not that interested in most television shows, especially the "ego on parade" reality shows, and I don't think consuming 2,000 calories in one sitting at a restaurant is all that worthy of note. I guess I would call it "consumer talk." I feel it just consumes precious minutes that could be spent connecting about something more personal or sharing an activity. I love water volleyball. I like bowling. Swimming is life affirming. Every time I lose a loved one I am reminded how valuable, and short, our time on earth is. And how relationships are what matter. I am energized to truly live my life with less talk and more action. And more meaningful interaction. This is the desire of my heart and the deepest whine from my soul.

1 comment:

  1. Most of the talk at work is "consumer talk," and most of it doesn't interest me, either. Things such as a sincere "thank you" or a good laugh make my day. I sat down with a guy at work today and looked at his vacation photos, and we talked about his feelings about the places and I learned about his family. That was a meaningful interaction. As for the "ego on parade" reality shows, I look forward to The Bachelorette on Monday evenings, precisely for its superficiality. And that's because it's a great break from thinking so deeply.
