Somehow it popped into my head to make a list of my life's most memorable moments. What an enlightening exercise. The results surprised me. Most of my entries were connected to a "who." Many were connected to a "where" -- as in taking a trip. I tended to gravitate toward events that made me laugh rather than cry. I guess I'd rather remember the rainbow than the rain. Then I ran them through the filter of "why." And I looked at my motivations. The answer to most of the why's is "because it was fun." Nothing wrong with fun as a motivator. But after my pastor's teaching on Revelation today, I wondered how much of what I've done was for me, for others and for God. He also said life should not be a burdened trod but rather a spiritual dance. Dancing to please God sounds good. Win-win. Because I believe we are just visitors to this planet and then go on to eternal life through the grace of Jesus Christ, I wonder if I could look a little closer at the "why" of my actions. Which ones have an eternal impact, and which ones are disposable?
I've cleaned out homes of loved ones who have passed away. It doesn't feel good to go through their things and throw stuff away. I don't want a disposable life. I want to impact people. But only in concert with pleasing God. I'll be in His presence much longer than I will be on earth. I want to hear the words, "Well done, good and faithful servant." Do you?
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