I'm sick of writing about work! I want to write about something sexy. Like life. Life can be sexy. It starts with me. We create what we believe. I want to create a sexy life -- and I BELIEVE I can!
Doesn't that sound like "The Secret," or "the law of attraction?" What about God? I'm not the Creator. I have been unclear about such fine differences. I'm clear now. I'm the god of my life -- god with a small g. God with big G and I work together. He can't drive a parked car. So I'm heading for sexy!
Here's what I mean by sexy. I mean doing things that excite me. Now don't get too literal on me. I mean things that make me laugh out loud (like dancing). Singing and performing excite me. And everyone knows that being with Bob excites me. Not just because he's sexy. He is sexy because he is alive inside -- alive with joy, music, and love.
Auntie Mame said "Live, live, live! Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death." She traveled, met fascinating people, and opened her mind to artists, innovators, and people of all cultures. That's what a sexy life was to her.
Tim Robbins' character in "The Shawshank Redemption" said "get busy living, or get busy dying." He was excited to buy a little hotel in Mexico and take his guests out on boat trips. Sounds good to me! Sexy even!
I'm redefining sexy. It's not about showing off my body or flirting. It's about creating a life I love. I have had beliefs in my way before. Silly. They are my beliefs, so I can change them. I believe in love, in life, in God, and in my sexiness. It all works together. It's all good!
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