Today's weather is a reminder that we are in a stormy season. I could "awfulize" by enumerating specifics, beginning with the tragedy in Haiti. But then I'd just start a cloudburst inside myself and blow you off my blog.
If sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy, isn't it logical that storms (of all kinds) make me sad? Maybe that's a variation on the theory that to experience happiness you have to let in the pain too. Or be numb.
There is another option -- peace on the inside amidst the storm. How on earth do you get there? Not on earth I guess. It takes looking up, beyond the earth, to a power greater than earth. When I look upon injustice, pain, suffering and death, I remind myself that God steps in. I see other humans through my human eyes and imagine how they feel. But I can't truly know how they feel. God knows. And He has the power to ease their pain, heal their afflictions, rescue their souls and transcend any earthly calamity.
I am naturally saddened by storms. But I am supernaturally calmed by the knowledge that God has promised His comfort and mercy. And it's His job, not mine. My job is to pray. So I am. And I will continue to pray for everyone going through a storm of any kind. May you find the peace that surpasses all understanding.
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