Some famous philosopher said "to be is to do." Another said "to do is to be." Sinatra said "do be do be do." I find it very difficult to "just be." I can veg out with the best of them -- after I've DONE something. I've had seasons of being way too busy and I complained about it. I'm in a season right now where everything I do is my own doing. I don't have a boss, other than God. And if I am hearing God correctly through the words of the Bible and the counsel of my praying friends, the message is "rest in God's peace." There is a story in the Bible about Mary and Martha. (they were sisters and they had Jesus over for supper) Martha was ticked at Mary because instead of helping with the meal, Mary was listening to Jesus. Martha asked Jesus to rebuke Mary, and instead he stood up for Mary, saying she was doing what was best. I guess my point is that it's easier for me to be a "human doing" than a "human being." But I must trust that there are seasons for doing and seasons for being. While I'm "being" I hope I am "being prepared" for what I'm here on earth to do. For now, I'll be. Peace out.
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