My chains are gone, I've been set free. Free at last, thank God almighty! A new perspective has ignited my spirit and recharged my soul. Being laid off was truly a blessing and I am free to pursue what I've always wanted to do. I know what it is in my head but it's going to take some work to communicate it clearly. Music. Speaking. For causes I care about. Recovery. Wholeness. Aliveness. Life beyond the cubicle.
Singer/songwriter/speaker Jana Stanfield asks "what would you do if you were brave?" The answer is not "assume the position" at a computer keyboard 40+ hours a week to further someone else's dream, pad someone else's wallet, and function like a robot for a steady paycheck, 10 vacation days per year, and a few good meals. I'm free, with all the fear, insecurity and responsibility that goes with it. Maybe I finally get to do what I meant to do when I grew up. Share my real gifts, my real message, and help others better themselves.
Songs spoke to me in my early years in a way nothing else did. Elton John showed me the piano can rock. Janis Ian spoke to us wannabe prom queens in a way that helped us accept reality. Linda Ronstadt expressed my heartbreak for me. And the Eagles made me want to fly. As Richard Marx so aptly phrased it: I am ready to fly over the sun like a rocket to heaven, and I am ready to soar right through the sky, never dreamed I'd find something to lift me so high. I always had wings, now I'm finally ready to fly.
Now it's time for my songs to take wing, touch the hearts of others, and connect us in a way that reminds us all that we are not alone. As Victoria Shaw wrote: Wherever you fly, it's not good-bye. My love will carry you, stay with you, baby you're never alone.
It's my time. I'm ready. Let's do this!
"The truth is I love being alive. And I love feeling free. So if I can't have those things then I feel like a caged animal and I'd rather not be in a cage. I'd rather be dead. And it's real simple. And I think it's not that uncommon." - Angelina Jolie