"Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal." 1 Corinthians 13:1
I started writing this verse in my journal today. Only I misspelled "cymbal" as "symbol." I love when I accidentally stumble upon a principle. Do I want to be a person who is fully engaged in humanity, or just a "symbol," like the little figure with the skirt or pants that lets us know which restroom to pick?
I don't want to be a symbol. I don't want my work life to be something I do to move money around that has no higher or humane purpose. I want love to be the primary force in my entire life, all parts of it.
The key to my job search is being inspired by the mission of the company I'm working for. Whether I'm managing projects, writing words or taking out the garbage, it doesn't matter. I'm furthering a mission that has value and honor beyond me. Beyond my bills. I may not love every task. But I want to put love into every effort.
Now I am truly on a mission.
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