So I wore green on St. Patrick's Day for nothing -- I could have worn my jealousy on my sleeve and been suitably bedecked. Envy, jealousy, coveting -- a blog topic by request. I wish I had something truly original, but I must quote Dr. Laura on this one. She said "no one gets two full sets of dishes." I think that's a variation on "The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence." (back to green -- how convenient) What would be considered "two full sets?" How about a stellar career, the intimate relationship of your dreams, loving children and a gorgeous home. (I would call it both love and money) And for how long -- all your life? I think what Dr. Laura is saying is that there are times you need to choose -- take the job that requires traveling for the money but leave your family -- or downsize your life because the money isn't flowing and risk finding out your mate loves the money more than she loves you. So one set of dishes is more important than the other set.
Then...we look at other people and make assumptions. That can really give us green eyes. But we rarely see them in proper perspective. Someone who looks wealthy may be up to their elbows in debt. A happy marriage could be a nightmare behind closed doors. Or that job could be lost, and that wonderful spouse could die. (getting dark here...)
So I default to the only attitude that works for me -- gratitude for each day, recognition that nothing belongs to me and remembering I'm not entitled to anything. I have this day. In every day there is much to be grateful for. Monthly payments and regular paychecks counter this way of thinking, to be sure. Worry be gone. Thankfulness -- bring it on. Envy is a choice I choose not to make. And if someone is envious of you -- maybe she needs a reminder of all she has to be grateful for. Like having a friend who cares enough to help her see that.
Thank you so much, Sue! I love all of it, especially the last line. And "don't make assumptions" is so true and so powerful! I once read that the ultimate goal is to live in the moment, without guilt or expectation. As you said, "I have this day." Thanks again!